Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Now Let's Talk About What New England Interior Landscapers Can Do Outside

Spring is getting closer and no doubt our attention starts to look to the outdoors. We can brighten your entrance with beautiful seasonal arrangements. Whether it's a pot of pansies and pussy willows in the spring or a summer splash of color of coleus, celosia and sweet potato vine these arrangements greet your corporate guests with style. Fall pots of kale, cabbage, asters and mums blend well when the fall foliage is at its peek, then the unlimited combinations of evergreens, berries and branches soften even the hardest winter landscape. Our Waltham officescapes have used the above-pictured designs.

PDI Plants recycling programs.

PDI Plants reuses plants where possible in the Waltham, MA cityscapes.

We donate our tired plants from our clients interior offices to local nursing homes on the RTE 128 area. These not so perfect plants that PDI takes out of our office locations are cared for by the nursing home residents and made whole once again for their personal enjoyment.

PDI's unconditional free replacement guarentee policy is attached to all our clients green plant service contracts in the Burligton MA. area.

Many of our older colored container finishes have been resprayed or refinished to a powdered steel. Currently this is a more popular finish for our office plant customers as well as a lower cost to their budgets.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Where can I use this plant in my office work place?

Just in! Four foot to five foot mass appeals with and with out character lines. Great for those narrow spaces within your office work place wether it be downtown Boston MA or Burlington and Bedford MA office locations. These new botanicals are designed for low light areas in and around your office interiorscape. Originally, straight tri-cane massangeannas, the mass appeals are the same plant species with added character bends to their stems. Hence, making these green plants more interesting within your office greenscape. This photo illustrates a mix of the original and the newer character bend plant, creating unlimited green plant design possibilities in your office.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why Are Your Office Green Plants Turning Yellow, Dropping Leaves or Have Browning Tips?

Although such symptoms like the ones above may be serious and easily detected, hundreds of things can go wrong. The root systems of your office plants, infectious diseases or inadequate plant care from your current provider may be the cause of your "sad" looking plants. For example the photo illustrares an insect trip infection . can help. Just log on. We can help. Boston, MA is where we care for your office plants.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why have interior landscapers water your indoor office plants?

The reason for having interior landscapers water your office plants is because most office personal do not have the time to do it.
Office plants need to be watered properly because they are so costly if they decay and die.
If your interior office plants are not watered correctly, they can become unsightly.
Root structures such as fine delicate root hairs can become soft, non functional and even decompose.
Without the correct watering procedure the roots can not function properly.
Water, nutrients and minerals will not be absorbed from the soil into the plant. Transpiration up and through the root hairs, roots stem and then finally through and out of the leaves , will not occur.
The result is wilting then death of your indoor plants.

Friday, March 12, 2010

How Can You Eliminate Your "New Office" Odor?

Okay, it looks great! New rugs, new paint, new furniture and cubicles, but it smells of chemicals. A great way to help eliminate that smell in your office space is to put in some foliage plants. It has been proven by NASA that foliage plants have the ability to filter carcinogens out of the air. All those new surfaces named above have toxic compounds. Chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, ammonia, trichloroethylene and other harmful molecules. Add office plants so you have a cleaner place to breath and a more ambient atmosphere to work in, a win, win situation. N.E. plantscapers should all be using more spathophiliums, philodendrons and warnakii plants in their green plant office designs.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Need inexpensive interior landscaping botanicals?

Many office plant interiors need inexpensive interior landscaping because of todays restricted budgets. Plantscape Designs Inc. can solve this problem with a minimalist design solution using cacti, succulents, aloes and flowering kalanchoes in your planters. Using rocks of varing sizes helps give this design solution a cleaner simpler look and feel. By using the above botanicals, less labor and maintenance is required therefore lower monthly fees charged. Please remember desert like botanicals such as listed above require high light sun exposure. PDI Plants currently services a cactus garden in Andover, MA.

acura Installation by PDI Plants

The interior green plant care and installation of The Acura Showroom by Plantscape Designs Inc. has softened and enhanced the architectural beauty of that building. Customers are attracted and drawn in to the products as well as the environment

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why have flowering programs in your interior offices?

Our boston cityscapes clients are accented with either monthly or bi-weekly flowering programs.

PDI plants are strategically located through out many down town offices with our tropical green plants.

The flowering programs give both unlimited color and variety to our clients reception areas.

Low cost living potted plants last longer then cut flowers.