Mona lisas are tall, narrow and stately interior office plants. Grown on the island of Hawaii in their native lava rocks, hydroponically ; Mona lisa , janet crags can landscape your low light office interiors very nicely. Call us they just arrived! This plant shown here is 6' tall and 2' wide. PDI uses these plants in many of our N.E. Plantscape office spaces within the 128RTE area. Visit us at www.pdiplants.com.
Looking for an excellent low-light plant, then look no further than Dracaena Lisa. Dracaena Lisa are fantastic low light plants that, at first look, appear very similar to a Dracaena Janet Craig. But at closer look, you will see that, unlike Janet Craig, the leaves of Dracaena Lisa are much narrower. The lush dark green foliage of Dracaena Lisa are attached to its notable green trunk, which is also used to distinguished it from Dracaena Janet Craig. The plant produces flowers when chilled but it is highly recommended that these flowers should be removed.
Dracaena Lisa is an upright columnar plant that usually reaches a height of not more than 8ft high. The plant is actually quite difficult to locate. It used to grow exclusively in Hawaii. In nurseries or plant shops, Dracaena Lisa plants are available in 8” and 10” containers.
The green trunks of Dracaena Lisa and the upright growth of the plant made them perfect cane plants. Exotic Dracaena Lisa canes are nice focal point in easily seen areas at home. A combination of Dracaena Lisa in staggered canes or various heights make them very attractive even in narrow spots in Boston, MA offices and buildings.
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