Tuesday, November 27, 2018

On Sale Now! New Tiny Red Tillandsia Office Plants for the Holidays Beverly, MA

New Tiny Red Tillandsia Officeplants for the Holidays Beverly, MA
Tiny Tillandsias can go anywhere in your office work environment . Soilless botanicals for desk tops, reception desks and added decorations for your living flower arrangements. 

Tiny Red Tillandsia ( air Plants) for your Orchid Arrangement Beverly, MA

PDI the most trusted name in interior office plant care Beverly, MA

Plantscape Designs Inc of New England can decorate your office building with Holiday cheer using many different venues:

1. The use of holiday colorful poinsettias scattered throughout your interior office building Beverly, MA

2. The designing of Artificial Christmas trees and roping decorated with differing themes. 

3. The use of Amaryllis flowers, Christmas flowering cactus, and Star of Bethlehem flowers.

4.The creating of indoor office plant seasonal scenes, woodland scenes, arctic scenes, or nostalgic scenes Beverly, MA

At Plantscape Designs Inc. we build our holiday scenes to fit your interior cityscapes.

  1. Holiday decorations discounts installations maintenance of Wreaths and poinsettias Beverly, MA

Plantscape Designs Inc of Stoneham, MA services in many area cities and towns in Massachusetts:

Beverly, MA
  • contact joe Gallo 781.279.0032 ext 103


Monday, November 19, 2018

Greenwalls by Vicinity - How it works Burlington, MA Installation by PDI

Plantscape Designs Inc Provides:
1. Free consultation for office plant assessments Burlington, MA

2. Friendly and fast installations and replacements.

3. Weekly service and lifetime guarantee of our plants Burlington, MA

4. Prices that are hard to beat in Burlington, MA

Call Joe Gallo 781.279.0032 ext 103

Contact joe@pdiplants.com

Burlington, MA

Monday, November 12, 2018

New Corporate Interior Office Plants Yucca Sculptures Natick, MA

New Corporate Interior Office Plant Natick, MA

Kelly's Roast Beef, Natick MA

Kelly's Roast Beef is part of the Jordan's Furniture megaplex in Natick, MA. Plantscape Designs, Inc. provides their interior landscaping as well as their weekly plant maintenance in this Natick location, as well as in some of Kelly's other restaurants such as Saugus and Danvers.

 "Many of the shoppers from Jordan's Furniture dine here; after viewing all Jordan's Furniture has to offer, the shoppers are just exhausted and hungry! They enjoy the colorful, peaceful setting of the Revere Beach antiques and memorabilia, and the tropical green plants add to the ambiance of this whole dining experience."

 — Linda Banks, Restaurant Manager, Kelly's Roast Beef - Natick, MA

Plantscape Designs does not use harmful insecticidal sprays on your indoor green plants.

At Plantscape Designs Inc., we are your interior landscaper for all your indoor office plant service, maintenance and plant sales design needs Natick, MA

Just some of the services Plantscape Designs Inc Provides:

1. Free Consultations for indoor office plants

2. Flowering Plant Rotations for your Office Reception Desks

3. Weekly office plant maintenance Natick, MA

4. Green Plant Company servicing locally

5. Indoor Planter Design and Renovation for indoor offices Natick, MA

6.  Living Tropical Plant Installation and Care for corporate inside offices

7.  Living Plant wall design and Installation for corporate inside offices Natick, MA

8. Lifelike Silk Plant Design and Installation for interior offices

9. Sale and Maintenance of tropical plant and flowers for your corporate offices

10 Care and design of your corporate interior office greenery in Natick, MA

Call Joe Gallo 781.279.0032 ext 103

email joe@pdiplants.com

Plantscape Designs Inc. of Stoneham, MA services the following area cities and towns in Massachusetts:

  • Monday, November 5, 2018

    Stylish Planters for Your Interior Office Landscapes Burlington, MA

    Stylish Commercial Planters for Your Interior Office Landscapes Burlington, MA

    Burlington, MA New Stylish Commercial Planters for your interior office plants
    Indoor plants are important for corporate businesses looking to achieve the optimal atmosphere. The plants look great, and they have health benefits that have been studied around the world. Plantscape Designs Inc. offers a variety of interior landscaping methods and services that will enhance your corporate workspace.

    Our PDI designers are ready to help make your corporate interior space look great and improve the overall benefits to clients, customers and employees. Contact us to discuss our service options and see what PDI can do for your Corporate Offices

    At Plantscape Designs Inc., we are your interior landscaper for all your corporate indoor office plant care, maintenance and design needs Burlington, MA

    Plantscape Designs Inc Provides:
    1. Free consultation for corporate office plant assessments Burlington, MA
    2. Friendly and fast Indoor commercial installations and replacements.
    3. Weekly service and lifetime guarantee of our corporate commercial office plants Burlington, MA
    4. Prices that are hard to beat in Burlington, MA

    call joe gallo Tel. 781.279.0032 ext 103

    email joe@pdiplants.com

    PDI Plantscapes Inc. has been proudly servicing the Woburn, MA and Northshore area for over 45 years. PDI is run by Joe Gallo who is a educated botanist and has authored books on plant care. He loves serving his customers and educating them about the benefits of plants. 

    Plantscape Designs Inc. of Stoneham, MA services the following area cities and towns in Massachusetts:

    Please visit this website

    Burlington, MA