
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How do you properly water your indoor office plants in Burlington, Ma?

Incorrect watering is a common factor in plant failure. Roots suffocate in soggy compacted soil. Plants die if they do not get enough water. When a plant needs water, water it thoroughly until water comes out the bottom of the pot (if in a drained container).

Make sure the soil is saturated and the excess is drained away. Do not allow a plant to sit in water for a long period of time. Check your plants often. Water only those that show the need for water with room temperature water. Do not use water that has been chemically softened, as it is toxic to plants.

1. Plants that need to stay moist should be watered as soon as the surface of the soil
is dry to the touch.

Plants in small pots, 4” diameter, especially in sunny windows
Hanging Plants: Boston Fern, Piggybacks, Gesneriads, asparagus fern, variegated english ivy, English Ivy, swedish ivy, Ferns
Table plants: Babies Tears, Ferns, Orchids

2. Plants that need to dry moderately should be watered when the soil is dry about
1/4 of the way through the pot.

Floor plants: Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen), Aspidistra (cast iron Plant),
several Dracenenas: Janet Craig, Warneckei, and Massangeana (Corn Plant), Sansevieria (snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue), Neanthebella Palm (Parlor Palm) Most Palms, Orange Trees, Rubber Trees, Ficus Benjamina (weeping Fig), Areca Palms, Crotons, Aralias, Norfolk Island Pines, Schefflera (umbrella tree), Philodendron, Ponytail Palm, Dracenenas (Corn Plants) Pleomele, Spathiphyllum (peace lily), Rhapis (Lady Palm), Arboricola (mini umbrella tree), Dracenena Marginata (Dragon Tree - green and white variety not “rainbow” this is Partial Sun)
Hanging Plants: Boston Fern, Lipstick vine, Grape Ivy, Piggybacks, Gesneriads asparagus fern, begonias, variegated english ivy Pothos, English Ivy Spider plants, swedish ivy, Ferns
Table plants: Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen), Sansevieria (snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue), Mini Spathiphyllum (peace lily), Pothos, African Violets, Babies Tears, Bromeliads, Ferns, Orchids.

3. Plants that need to dry completely should be watered when the soil is dry 3/4
of the way through the pot.
Such as :all cacti, jerusalem cherry, Succulents etc.

Plantscape Designs Inc. of Burlington, MA waters for the appropriate needs of your interior office plants and for your specific office environment.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New designs for your interior office plantscape Burlington, MA.

Sanserveria Cylindria plants are a unique succulent plant for use in your indoor office locations. Resembling an aloe plant, sanserveria cylindria are much easier to care for indoors.

Sansevieria cylindrical is only new to the United States. People in the United Kingdom and Australia have been growing them for some time. Sometimes called the African spear plant, the Sansevieria cylindrica has all the ease and durability of the popular snake plant and the appeal of lucky bamboo. The plant consists of stout, cylindrical spears that spring from the sandy soil. They can be braided or left in their natural fan shape. Best of all, they can be almost ignored and the plant will thrive.
Growing Conditions:

Light:Bright, filtered light, but highly tolerant.
Water: Can survive long periods of drought. Water monthly or less in winter, weekly or every other week in summer.
Temperature: Above 50ºF, but can survive cold spells.
Soil: Use a fast-draining cactus mix.
Fertilizer: Feed during growing season. Do not feed during winter.

African spears can be divided when several spears are present, but it's usually best to buy a new plant.

Repot annually or every other year in the spring. They will survive being root bound.

At Plantscape Designs Inc, PDI of Burlington MA, has just begun the use of these different and interesting hardy indoor plants with our office interior designs.